Individual Therapy

Customized support for your emotional wellness 

We don’t heal in isolation. We heal in the context of healthy, reliable and safe relationships. Jessica works collaboratively with you to cultivate some inner-smoothness in the face of life’s challenges.  Sessions offer a safe space to be fully heard where you can show up just as you are.

Jessica provides therapy virtually in California for women, mothers, and adolescents/young adults of all genders.  She also has offices in Santa Monica and Playa Vista that will reopen in the future.


My values


01 Choice

02 EmpowerMENT

03 Trust

04 Safety

05 Joy

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Therapy for Women

“There is nothing stronger than a woman who has rebuilt herself.”  - Hannah Gadsby

Empowering women to be the healthiest, most resilient version of themselves as they move through different stages of life is at the heart of Jessica’s work. She works with people in college, starting their careers, as well as women who hold leadership and executive roles. Navigating friendships, dating/relationships, career, societal pressures, traumatic experiences, self-worth, body image, and family dynamics are just some of the open tabs many women have in their minds on any given day. Jessica offers a compassionate, contained space to foster your mental health, rebuild, and discover yourself.

You might benefit from therapy if you:

  • Are in a major life transition (break up, marriage, school, career, etc.)

  • Notice people pleasing patterns

  • Experience relationships to be more stressful than you’d like

  • Notice yourself repeating unhealthy patterns in relationships

  • Want to explore identity

  • Have a loud inner critic

  • Have strained family relationships

  • Struggle to manage depression and anxiety symptoms

  • Have experienced grief and loss or abandonment 

  • Want to heal from personal trauma and intergenerational trauma

  • Are battling with your self-esteem/self-confidence 

  • Have been feeling disconnected from your authentic self

  • Struggle with perfectionism

  • Are managing endometriosis, PCOS or hormone imbalance

  • Want support in processing multicultural life experiences

  • Have experienced systemic oppression

  • Are frustrated with navigating male dominated professional environments

Therapy is a very personal process, let's connect and I can address any of your questions!

Therapy for Mamas (Pregnant & Parenting People)

Motherhood brings forth raw emotions and plenty of opportunities for personal growth and awakening. Prioritizing your mental health is one of the most essential things you can do to ensure your baby or child has an opportunity to thrive. For professional women, stay at home mothers, and those who fall somewhere in between planning for and adjusting to your new life can get complicated in your transition to motherhood. As you move through mothering and its various stages, you may encounter unexpected emotional challenges.

If we have a history of anxiety, depression, disorder eating, trauma, these issues can re-emerge. Intergenerational patterns of dysfunction rise up, which can be confronting. Without all of this, motherhood is wild ride so some may just need a soft landing to to process.

Don’t hesitate to get support so that you can find some much deserved joy in mothering.

This service is ideal for:

  • Expectant mothers who want support with their transition

  • Mamas who are feel triggered by parenting an infant, toddler, young child, or adolescent & experiencing sensory overload

  • Pregnant women experiencing anxiety/depression

  • Postpartum depression/anxiety prevention

  • Those suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety or re-emerging traumas and mental health conditions

  • Desire more prenatal/postpartum support for optimal mental and emotional health

  • Struggle with excessive worry about their baby/children and feelings of hopelessness, guilt, and worthlessness

  • Feel isolated, alone, lost, and unsupported in their journey

  • Need help understanding your baby

  • Navigate multicultural family dynamics

  • Struggling with conflict with a partner 

  • Navigating being a single mom

  • Looking for some parenting guidance

  • Experienced complicated/traumatic pregnancy or birth

  • History of pregnancy loss

Explore my Resources for more information or check out more about my offerings for moms of all stages.

Therapy for Adolescents

“In my world, there are no bad kids, just impressionable, conflicted young people wrestling with emotions & impulses trying to communicate their feelings in the only way they know how.” - Janet Landsbury

Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood - a time in life that can be exhilarating and challenging to move through. Neurological research that now shows us that adult brains are not fully formed until the mid to late twenties. Exploring different roles, testing boundaries, and developing peer and romantic relationships are things most of them are grappling with. Empowering youth to making healthy choices for their lives and relationships is key. Adolescents are testing out their independence and can benefit from having safe, supportive adults to connect with outside of the home during this time to offer guidance.

Treatment can address a broad spectrum of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Family conflict 

  • School challenges

  • Behavioral issues

  • Self-esteem struggles

  • Bullying or peer conflicts

  • Coping with divorce

  • Dating & healthy relationships 

  • Grief & loss

  • Childhood trauma

  • Depression, and anxiety 

  • Substance use 

  • Experiences of systemic oppression

  • LGBTQ+ support

  • Student Athletes 

  • Healthy masculinity

Please note that parent involvement will depend on the client's age, comfort level, and level of risk.



EMDR Therapy


ISO of healing, joy, self-compassion, and good relationships… If this sounds like you and you’re curious about how individual therapy can help click below!

Frequently Asked Questions

01 What are the next steps?

Congrats on taking this first exploratory step towards emotional wellness! Therapy is a brave endeavor.  The good news is, you don’t have to go it alone.  Finding the right match for you is the most important piece.  In my perspective, this means someone who you feel drawn to, comfortable and safe with, someone who you believe you can build trust and connection with, who you believe can hold space for your, who will gently challenge you where appropriate, but go at your own pace.  

If you feel drawn to work with me, reach out for a free 20 minute consult where we can: 

  • Explore whether it would be a good fit 

  • Have a brief assessment 

  • Clarify any questions you may be still curious about


02 What can I expect in starting therapy? How can it help?

After we have a consultation, if you’ve decided to move forward in working together, we will book an initial session.  The first few sessions will focus on building a relationship and assessment, which will allow me to provide optimal, tailored care.  Then we'll dive right into to weekly sessions.  I do offer biweekly sessions, but recommend starting with weekly to set a foundation and gain some traction. 

Ongoing sessions with me are meant to be a sanctuary in your week - a sacred space - where you can show up just as you are. You can expect to laugh, cry, and have some major AHA! Moments.  I will guide you on how to process your emotions.  You’ll be empowered with practical tools, observations, resources, insights and nurturing containment.  We may also identify and strengthen your inner resiliency, explore patterns that are causing you stress, examine the impact of family history, build on your support system, and develop healthy coping skills.  

In fact, there is now evidence to show that effective therapy can even support you in rewiring your brain by helping you to shift negative or overwhelming thought patterns!  How does this happen?!

Therapy offers:

  • A model for a healthy, consistent, reliable, nurturing relationship

  • Reconnection with yourself

  • Coping skills for regulating your nervous system and emotions

  • A way to make sense of your story

  • Support in ending dysfunctional or traumatic patterns

  • Developing self-compassion and sense of self

  • Help with managing anxious thoughts

  • Guidance around boundary setting

  • Separating who you are from your mood

  • Help with identifying and managing your triggers

  • Tools to improve your relationships

  • Knowledge about mental health

  • Fresh, objective insight and observations


03 What are your rates? Do you take insurance?

Therapy is an investment in yourself. It can change the trajectory of your life.  I honor your time, resources and commitment to treatment. My rates are based on my specializations, training, experience, and commitment to my clients. There is also significant time I spend outside of your 50 minute session on preparing, engaging in continuing education, offering referrals, and administration allows for you to receive the best care possible.

My full fee rate is $250 per 50 minute individual session.  I hold some sliding scale spots in my practice.  If there is one available, the cost would be between $165 and $250 depending on your financial need.  It is a priority for me to help in any way I can to make mental health care sustainable for you so feel free to chat with me if you need clarity about this.

I am not an in network provider with any insurance companies. However, I can provide monthly superbills upon request.This means that you would pay for sessions out of pocket and then your insurance company may reimburse you a certain portion of your expense depending on your plan.

To find out if you have these benefits available to you, reach out directly to your insurance provider and review your benefits summary.


04 What is EMDR? Is it right for me?

Sometimes, significant stressors or trauma create knots in your life fabric. Life continues, but when those knots are tugged, the symptoms of trauma will flare.  EMDR is a comprehensive treatment and one of the most effective ways to untangle and reweave those knotted threads in an organized, integrated way.  It doesn't erase your distressing memories, but helps to shift your relationship to them.

When trauma happens, the parts of our brain that typically communicate for optimal coping get blocked. The EMDR process reopens those blocked channels to restore your nervous system and brain to function adaptively.

EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.  I know a mouthful!  In short, this technique draws on scientifically proven methods to allow your nervous system to heal through reprocessing of past experiences - without necessarily getting into in depth details of such events. This treatment incorporates elements of mindfulness, breath and body focused treatments, and is based in the most current research on the neurobiology of trauma.

Here are some questions to consider if you’re wondering if it is right for you? Have you gotten to a place where you understand why you continue to repeat certain patterns that keep you stuck, but just can't seem to shift them?  Maybe you have been in therapy and have found it helpful, but there continues to be a sticking point?  Have you experienced distressing or traumatic experiences or relationships that have left lingering effects in your present life?  Are you someone who wants to find healing, but struggles to talk in detail about your past?

If any of this rings true, EMDR may be good option.  But it isn't appropriate for everyone.  Let's chat and see if it is right for you!


05 What can I do outside of sessions to nurture myself and enhance the work I am doing with my therapist?

Some sessions will feel challenging, triggering and exhausting.  Others may feel grounding, healing, and hopeful.  This is part of the dance of resolving some deeply rooted stuff.  

After sessions you may find it helpful to:

  • Journal 

  • Do some gentle movement, walking, stretching or yoga

  • Exercise

  • Take a bath or shower

  • Get some fresh air & sunshine

  • Make a plan to implement suggested coping skills

  • Explore my resources

  • Hydrate & eat a healthy meal

  • Laugh

  • Practice self-compassion

  • Download a meditation app (Calm is my go-to!)

  • Get evaluated by your medical doctor to assess for any physical health issues or vitamin deficiencies that could be impacting your mood.

Book With me


3 girls laying on bed with feet in air